Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I confess...

I play the lottery. Not compulsively. I consider it a voluntary tax. Some good programs are funded with lottery dollars and I am willing to participate.
The real reason I play?
Someone is going to win. Some day, it could be me. I have a friend who says that "the lottery is a voluntary tax for people who don't know how to do math." Well, I know the odds, but I also know that if I don't play I won't win--even though my chances are not much higher if I do play.
For a couple dollars a week, I buy dreams. I think about all the good I could do. Those vibes have to count for something. I must be putting good juju out into the universe with all of those positive thoughts.
Tomorrow, I'll check my ticket. That's what I'm going to do.


Rebecca said...

I also play the lottery - although not every week. I consider it entertainment and support for some good programs. And, if I win, my sisters win, too!

Love the photo. And you, too.

Carrie Wilson Link said...

Not enough can be made of the power of hope.