Monday, December 15, 2008

Snow! What Would Wanda Do?

Sunday morning it snowed...and snowed. We had a four inch accumulation before the sun went down.


The laurel leaves looked like low-hanging spoons full of sugar.


Snow drifted and froze to the patio door.


Everything was untouched whiteness. No squirrels knocked on the door today.
I know that to those of you in the North and Northeast, this is nothing. Here in the Pacific Northwest, life comes to a grinding halt when it snows. We could be hunkered down for most of the week.

I went out and rented some movies to watch and while I was at it, I had my last meal out for a while--lunch at the Mexican restaurant across the mall from the video store. We came home, played dominoes, drank tea, and looked at more snow falling.
It's not that we can't manage the snow. We have vehicles that can get around and plenty of clothes to handle this kind of weather, but the highway department here isn't prepared and we are plowless in these parts (except for the mountain passes).
Not only that, but many people don't know how to drive in snow around here. There is only so much you can do to stay out of the way when someone else doesn't know what they are doing. Since I don't have to be out in it, I probably won't be for a couple days.
I guess I'll hunker down, watch a movie, watch the fireplace, drink some more tea...or a glass of port.
That's what I'm gonna do. What about you? What is your favorite snowy evening activity? What do you do when you are housebound? Leave me a note. I could use some good ideas.

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