Tuesday, April 20, 2010


(dusk at my house)
Help one person at a time, and always start with the person nearest you.

~ Mother Teresa ~

Yeah, Mother T. That would be me.

In keeping with the theme of not being self-forgetting, let me tell you what I know right now: I. Am. Annoyed.

I am annoyed with...
...lack of professionalism
...lack of compassion
...lack of empathy
...lack of money

My own and others'.


Joan said...

And only when enough of us are annoyed with the same things will there be change.

Carrie Wilson Link said...

Charity begins at home, one of my favorite sayings.

graceonline said...

Yes. And yes. And yes ... All of those things. Tell it. Don't stop till you're done. Afterward, let's put our heads together and decide what to do about one of them. One at a time. Yes?