Thursday, October 22, 2009

love thursday 10.22.09 ~ foggy voyage

(on the ferry from victoria: shot with my palm treo)

Feminism's agenda is basic: It asks that women not be forced to choose between public justice and private happiness.

~ Susan Faludi~
U.S. feminist and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist

We sailed through fog from Victoria to Port Angeles--calm water with very little visibility. Somehow, it seems appropriate that a raven rode the deck in the area of "keep out."

The voyage to Canada couldn't have been more different. My sea legs reappeared when I went aft for a couple bottles of water. Glad to know I've still got them. Sitting on the starboard side and looking out the port windows we saw

What most amazes me is that the foggy return trip granted me much higher likelihood of seasickness. Riding the waves exhilarates me. Looking at the gray nothingness disorients. But Poseidon blessed me and I didn't get seasick going either direction.

I love being on the water.


SE'LAH... said...

i love being on the water too, but a sailboat or a pontoon boat. calm seas only please.


Carrie Wilson Link said...

Here's to justice AND happiness!