Thursday, November 06, 2008

What a glorious day! (Love Thursday 11.06.08)

(Redheaded woodpecker in hazelnut tree)
I live in the Pacific Northwest. Essentially, we are in a temperate rain forest and this time of year, that's what we get--rain. Lots of rain. And dark. Gray skies and early darkness, especially with the switch from daylight savings time, because we are so far north.
Despite the gloomy weather, when I walked to the mailbox today, a cacophony of birdsong surrounded me. Birds were everywhere--not in a Hitchcockian sort of way that made me want to run for cover, but in a Snow White kind of way. Have you seen Enchanted? The scene where Snow White is cleaning the apartment and there are birds and squirrels and cooperative little animals everywhere? THAT's what it was like out there.
We had flocks of LBBs (little brown birds), a pair of yellow bellied sapsuckers, this redheaded woodpecker, and about a half dozen squirrels in our yard all at once. When they greeted me as I walked outside, I lifted my arms and said, "I feel the same way!"
Something shifted.
Gregg Braden talks about "choice points." We come to certain junctures in our lives and in the time space continuum where what happens next depends upon what the collective does right now. Yesterday, election day in the USA, was (I believe) one of those points. We the people decided. And we chose hope and a new direction.
Even the birds of the air feel it...a lightness and calm.
Now, it is up to us.
What are you going to do? How will you stay engaged? I know that I feel different about my involvement in the process after this election. I am not sure of the specific tasks I will undertake, but I am going to stand behind my vote and continue to make my voice heard.
That's what I'll do.


Anonymous said...

Amen . . . now it's up to ALL of us. It's a great time to be alive and to be able to feel hope once more. Thank you, American people!

Anonymous said...

"So let us summon a new spirit of patriotism; of service and responsibility where each of us resolves to pitch in and work harder and look after not only ourselves, but each other. Let us remember that if this financial crisis taught us anything, it’s that we cannot have a thriving Wall Street while Main Street suffers - in this country, we rise or fall as one nation; as one people." -President Elect Obama

For me, I'm going to continue to use the engergy I spent knocking on doors, making phone calls, and forwarding emails and transfer it into everyday volunteerism. I'll do whatever our new president asks us to do to get things done. I will continue to stay involved in my local politics because that's where the big ideas begin.

Meg said...

Awesome "ah-ha" moment! Love it!