Sunday, November 07, 2010

fall back

Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia.

Charles Schulz

American cartoonist

(1922 - 2000)

I decided to wait until Sunday morning to turn the clocks back so I wouldn't stay up later because I knew it was really earlier. It didn't work. I still stayed up later. Oh, well.

Lord, help me through the dark afternoons. Bring on the festivals of lights.


Carrie Wilson Link said...

We made Rojo stay up later last night so he wouldn't be up at 5:00 this morning. Didn't work.

graceonline said...

On a day when I think I can actually see the world ending for humans and many other soft-bodied creatures on this earth, it's good to be reminded of the humor of Charles Schulz. Thank you for this simple pleasure and the reminder to lighten up.

Deb Shucka said...

I just wish someone would pick a time and stay there - one way or the other. I'm with you on needing help getting through the darkness. I'm already missing summer.

kario said...

All I know is that it is so much easier to get out of bed when even just a little bit of light is peeking through the windows at me. And I don't need any extra urging to go to bed early with a book, so the early darkness works for me.