Friday, February 04, 2011

zach wahls

There is so much to love about this: a smart, articulate young man who is passionate, compassionate, and accomplished. I know I would be proud if he were my son....

(zach spoke before the iowa legislature on the issue of whether
to constitutionally ban civil unions of same-gender couples)


graceonline said...

With his telegenic properties, his amazing speech-writing and delivery, and his passion, he could make it far in politics. What a guy! What a message, too. Thanks for sharing it here.

Deb Shucka said...

I agree with Kathryn - this young man needs to run for office. I'd vote for him - or take him home and be proud to call him mine. Amazing! said...


"Infantile cuteness," it really could save the world.

Carrie Wilson Link said...

Ditto Michelle.