Saturday, March 19, 2011

three things i know to be true

1. I feel powerless and out of control when I know something to be true and I am told it is not possible--especially when the one saying it's not possible has sway over my outcome.

2. Something ate the heads off one clump of newly opened daffodils in the yard.

3. I care...and those things I care about, I take care of--people, too. And sometimes I hurt when I feel I can't do enough...can't protect...can't make it right.

What are three things you know to be true?

Right here. Right now.

1 comment:

graceonline said...

1. That my love for my family knows no bounds.
2. That despite my belief in the power of peace and love, very likely I could kill, if need be, to protect my children and grandchildren from an attacker.
3. That I cannot begin to comprehend the heart of a woman who said to me, about her extremely intelligent, deeply gifted son: "I haven't felt proud of him since he was in fifth grade. Why didn't he become president of the United States, or at least a doctor like his best friend?"