Friday, February 17, 2012

happy birthday, thithter!

(honeyboy licking the water off the rail.
yes, he got himself up there.
the healing continues.)

A lot of the problems we face are essentially man-made, so naturally as human beings we should also be able to reduce them. Natural disasters, of course, are in a different category, but according to environmental scientists even they may owe something to human behaviour. Therefore, if we are optimistic, take a longer view, and we employ realistic methods, we can contribute to making the world a better place.


Today is "check things off the list day." Things like...

...take down the Christmas lights.

...attach the moulding at the bottom of the new stove.

...put the cat food in the storage containers.

...clean litter boxes. on taxes.

I'd rather go bowling and eat pizza with my sister and her kids and grandkids.

Happy birthday, Joan!


kario said...

I love checking things off my list. Hope you can reward yourself at the end of the day with something nice.

Joan said...

Thanks, dear Thithter! I wish you could be here with us, too!

graceonline said...

Reading this three weeks later, when all is a memory, I pray all the tasks are done and happily out of the way. Of course, new tasks pop up to replace the old ones, don't they? You've already painted an entire room since then!