Saturday, March 05, 2011

surely, spring is coming

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.
You're on your own. And you know what you know.
And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go.

Dr. Seuss
Oh, the Places You'll Go!

Gnomes in the spotlight of the sun.

Daffodils about to pop their heads open.

Squirrels coming to beg.

Temperatures in the 50s...almost.

Jonesing for a trip to the islands.

Starting to look for bamboo shoots.

Wanting to get clean up projects done.

Daylight when I get up.

Daylight at the end of the work day.

(By the way...Daylight Savings Time next weekend!)

What are your signs of Spring?

Surely, it's coming...isn't it?


Joan said...

Of course it is coming! Just not as quickly as I want it to! Temperatures are in the 40's, snow and ice are melting, mud is forming, and the pheasants are out in full force. Daylight before and after work is sooooo nice! And, went shopping today and didn't even have to wear my coat!!

Snow is in our forecast, and blizzards are predicted not too far away, so it will be a while before Spring is here to stay. But it is so nice that it came by to visit!

Wanda said...

You'll get some Spring when you are here. It was in the mid 50s today.

Deb Shucka said...

It was getting light when I got up this morning-the first time this season. Plus the weather changed directions about a hundred times yesterday. And the primary music outside is bird song and robin chirps. Yup, spring is here.

Carrie Wilson Link said...

It just has to be.

graceonline said...

Alas, the morning light I crave and that was here so briefly is gone again, in this ridiculous mechanism called Daylight Savings time. That's my groundhog moment, I'm afraid. Not to worry, the leafless trees sprout greener fuzz every day. Another month, and we'll have early morning daylight again.