Sunday, July 11, 2010

my garden

I love this red banana--as you well know, by now. True, it is not a native plant. I do have plenty of natives...the daisies, the hydrangeas, and the strawberries (you can't see them here, but they are below the daisies...all volunteers).

At the end of winter, the banana was at or below the bottom of the window. I love how it grows so much in one season! Every time I see it, it makes my heart sing.

What is making your heart sing today?


Deb Shucka said...

What a great picture. I have volunteer strawberries, too, and love everything about them. I watch the birds and squirrels gorge themselves on the fruit all summer long. That makes my heart sing.

graceonline said...

Peaceful garden. The banana seems to be spreading its wings with joy. Will it bear fruit in your clime? Are the bananas purple?

What makes my heart sing is spending time with my family. Today my sweetie and I baked crackers with our two-year old granddaughter who loves to help us cook. As I typed that last sentence, she woke from her nap just long enough to demand I hold her for the rest of it, so we rocked in the chair as we did when she was tiny. So much goodness.

Thanks for asking, and many blessings.

Mary'sCorner said...

Your friendship makes my heart sing, B. Your singing makes my heart sing. Think I'll go listen to your CD and have an evening cup of coffee with you....

Carrie Wilson Link said...
