Saturday, October 23, 2010

random thoughts upon entering the weekend

The purpose of the heart is to know yourself to be yourself and yet one with God.

Edgar Cayce

I sold a couple of my books today. Yay me.

Mom and I are going on a road trip this weekend. We get to see my sister and niece and two of her kids. It will be a short visit with a quick turn around, but we'll have fun, I'm sure. We always do when we are together.

It's kind of sad when our Friday night date is to go to the office to pick up something I forgot.

HoneyBoy didn't bring in a live (or dead) critter tonight. Hallelujah.

It's going to rain on our road trip.

Oh, well.

Isn't this fun?


graceonline said...

Will you drive with the top down in the rain? Have a fun, safe trip.

Deb Shucka said...

So cool about your books!

Hope your weekend adventure provides some magic. I love road trips!

Carrie Wilson Link said...

Have fun! Rain is good luck!

kario said...

Congratulations on the books! And the fact that the cat didn't bring any dead critters to you.

Have a lovely road trip. I love snuggling up in the warm car with music and conversation when it's nasty outside.