Tuesday, December 07, 2010

ponder this: poverty

We often see poverty as an economic and social issue, but we must have a deeper understanding. In the ultimate analysis, poverty is death. It is unjust and early death. It is the destruction of persons, of people, and nations.

Gustavo Gutierrez

Quick post today. I am on the road. More tomorrow...I hope.

Be well, my friends.


Deb Shucka said...

Traveling mercies.

kario said...


Carrie Wilson Link said...

Be well. I like that. It's more like an imperative statement than a wish. Be well.

SE'LAH... said...

safe travels.

there is an African proverb - poverty is slavery. pondering...

one love.

graceonline said...

And if this tax bill goes through, that takes from the poor and middle class and gives to the rich, while nailing one very huge nail in the Social Security coffin, there will be many, many more of us living in death.