Sunday, November 13, 2011


(the boys are learning to hang out together)
We are given a natural way to reconnect with God every day in creation. And it doesn’t depend on getting a degree in philosophy or theology. It depends on being present!

Richard Rohr

Right here. Right now.

Since HoneyBoy's accident, we encourage the boys to come in at dusk rather than whenever they choose. As the days become moist and breezy, shorter and grayer, they tend not to go outside much at all.

Such smart boys.


Deb Shucka said...

Why would they want to go out and leave such comfy digs behind? :-)

My old girls have long since decided winter is meant to be spent indoors, which makes me really happy whenever I hear the coyotes howling in the back field.

graceonline said...

Being present. Yes. Why does it take me so long, sometimes, to return to this blog and feed my soul.