You can easily judge the character of others by how they treat those
who can do nothing for them or to them.~ Malcolm Forbes ~
American Publisher I want to sign up for Facebook? So far I have managed not to enroll in MySpace, Facebook, Twitter...anything but a blog. I kill plenty of time there. However I continue to get invitations to become "friends" with people.
Is it worth it? Can it be done without becoming an addict? Do you use any of these? Fill me in. I'd love some perspective and advice.
Oh, and by the way...
Happy Summer!
Happy Fathers' Day!
They can suck a tremendous amount of time, what's your self-discipline like?
Finding old friends is great, and used in moderation it's a lot of fun (I have Facebook).
Same here. I have none of these, but am being asked to. I am eager to read the comments from your followers, too.
I'm on FB and have been able to connect with more family members than I would otherwise. Admittedly, the connection is pretty shallow, but it's fun to catch up with my nieces and nephews and their children to find out what's going on in their lives. My bro and sisters are on it also, as are numerous cousins, but we all update much less often than the "youngsters."
Tracy sent me a Twitter invitation, but I haven't done much with it. You have to decide if you want to update that stuff. I had FB a couple of years before I really did anything with it.
Have never been able to get all the way through the signup process for FB and MS--they want way too much personal data, but I am hopelessly hooked on Twitter. I use it to keep abreast of the latest environmental news, so most of the people I follow are either interested in ecological matters or experts in one or more aspects.
I subscribe to several news Tweeps, too, (Tweeps are people who Tweet. Tweeting is the act of posting a short blurb on Twitter.). Through them, I learn about breaking news, such as the protests in Iran, long before my local news stations or newspapers start talking about them.
If you're interested in politics, you can follow your Congressional reps and the White House, and a host of pols of every persuasion. It's an excellent way to stay aware of the fringe elements as well as mainstream. Quite often, I'm alerted to the need for immediate legislative nudging on issues of importance to me, which I might miss if I waited until I caught up with my e-mail feeds.
Twitter can be just about anything you want it to be. I've appreciated it especially this week, because of the information coming out of Iran. The Iranian government strangled the news media, but they've been unable to stop ordinary citizens Tweeting.
Twitter can be as rich or shallow as you want it to be. Bottom line for me: Twitter feeds my interests so well, that I no longer spend hours a day hunting for the latest on say, solar energy or water shortages. A quick search in Twitter will bring up plenty of resources, and if the Tweeps are good at tweeting, sifting through to find exactly what I'm looking for is fairly easy.
There's also plenty of help available to shorten the learning curve, and if you'd like some examples, you can check my most recent tweets by scrolling down the right side of my blog.
Caveat: Like anything else on the net, be cautious about taking Tweets and Tweeters at face value.
Thought I commented on this post already.
I am a dinosaur...a blog is advanced for me. ;)
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