...ate strawberries from our garden
...ate lettuce from our garden
...did whatever i wanted to do when i wanted to do it
...played a game of transformation
...organized pictures on my computer
...uploaded pictures to Flickr
...drank coffee
...found a new bamboo shoot
It was a good day. How about you? What'd you do?
Read almost a whole book and watched multiple episodes of "Sex and the City" for the umpteenth time. In other words, heaven.
Spent most of the day with my daughter and grandaughter. Being with my kids and grands is a good day for me.
what i always do...watch nascar race day (LOL)! ha!
nice closeup of the bee.
Sounds like a lovely day. I cleaned house, watched part of the Pride parade, took a loooooooong walk with the doggies, made Honey Almond cake and did 5 loads of laundry. Not that restful as I think about i.
sounds like a great day! i need a day of organizing pictures as well!!
I took my husband to the airport to back to his job...
Visited a girlfriend...
Made dinner...
Talk on thone to girlfriends...
Fell a sleep...
Nice Photo!
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