Sunday, November 29, 2009


(my piece of dessert at thanksgiving dinner #3--i only ate one)

Grace begins and ends prayer. Grace is what we call what is left over after the scouring of the self, the dying into self. Grace is what was there before we ever looked at ourselves in prayer. Grace gives us our initial impulse to pray.

~ Ann Belford Ulanov ~
from her book
Picturing God

"Grace gives us our initial impulse to pray." I agree. And it gives us so much more.

Grace. I even like the word.

Have you noticed a moment of grace in your life lately?

I have. I received over $100 in the mail today. Part of it was a rebate--part was overpayment of a bill I owed. it was my money. I still got checks in the mail today and I wasn't expecting any.

Oh...and I needed decaf. I went to the coffee shop where I buy it and it was free. (I had a full punch card.)

What about you? Tell me yours.


Umā said...

On Thursday night, my brother and I sat down with a list of people who offered flowers, mass cards, and donations to the VNS in honor of our mom. We had 25 thank you cards and envelopes that the funeral home had provided, and when we counted the names on our list there were 25. That was nice.

rebecca said...

Lovely. I enjoy noticing the small miracles that occur all the time. My morning prayer is often, "Help me see through your eyes." Something magical always happens.

SE'LAH... said...

a world without grace, is empty indeed.

thinking of you.


Carrie Wilson Link said...

LOVE when that happens!

You're attracting money - coincidence? I. Think. Not.

Tracy said...

GRACE... that is one of my favorite words too. Just thinking the words slows me down, I can get back to center and pray, take time to see the small and the big things. A moment of grace lately great support by friends and even strangers as I close my on-line shop--I am humbled by the care and help during a difficult time. A slice of your cake there would be a treat, Wanda... Happy Day :o)

christina said...

i just can't get past that yummy dessert.
grace came by the way of just doing nothing...just relaxing and doing a whole lot of nothing.

Deb Shucka said...

I love everything about grace. It seems to show up more when we're vulnerable. Have you noticed?